


Welcome to Zerina Blossom’s Books. My name is Emily, and I am the writer of this lovely blog. I am an avid reader, a Jesus-follower, and a crafter of beautiful things, and since I love those three things so much, you will find that this blog is filled with them. I hope you enjoy it.


The Story Behind the Blog

I fell in love with books as a six-year-old when I picked up my first American Girls book and read it overnight. I’m also and inventor of stories that I hope to someday write into my own series of novels.

As I graduated from high school and entered college, I decided I wanted my career to involve books, such as being a writer, editor, publisher, librarian, or anything related to that where I would be able to be hired. And so I studied English Literature in college and spent my spare time gaining any and all book-related experience I could find. I interned with  two online magazines and a publishing company, wrote over 200 book reviews on this lovely blog, joined book influencer teams for 6-7 authors, edited 3-4 books, and did virtually anything … except write my own book.

I graduated college in December of 2017 with my BA in English Literature. And despite my best efforts and all of my experience, I wasn’t immediately able to find a job doing anything bookish at all. I was really discouraged.

Then things took a really interesting turn. You see I’m a Christian and have been since I was a child. At this point of discouragement, I cried out to God for help, and He answered by sending me to a Bible college … in another state, with only seven days’ notice, even though I didn’t have enough money for tuition. But God worked it all out marvelously!

God used that college to help change my perspective on life and to deepen my friendship with Him. It has been wonderful! And now my goals in life have changed as well. I want to become a missionary for my career, because everyone needs to personally know this amazing God of mine.

It is going to be a bit of a journey to become a missionary long-term. I finished the Bible college in spring 2020 (during quarantine), but there are two more years of training to do, and I need a couple years of working to save money before I can even start the training. I also have to decide what country I will go to and what role I will have once I get there. Perhaps writing will be a huge part of it, perhaps not.

During that Bible college, this blog fell out of use because I didn’t have enough time to devote to it. But my love of books has never faded, and now that I have finished Bible college, I am starting it up again. This time, however, I hope to focus not only on books but on Jesus, missionary work, and a little bit of arts and crafts, which I also enjoy.

I pray that you will enjoy my writings and that God will use my writings to bring honor to Himself.



  1. Emily,

    I can't find anything on your blog about submitting books for review, so I'll try using this route. My first YA Christian fantasy novel is The Summoned King, available on Amazon. If you commit to an honest review, I'll gladly provide a free review copy of the Kindle edition. A link to the book's Amazon page is below.

    Dave Neuendorf


    1. Dave,

      I have been planning to put something up about review copies, but I haven't gotten to it yet. The summoned King looks interesting. Send me an email at zerina147(at)gmail(dot)com.


  2. Put your priorities straight, girl.
    How can you be a booknerd, involved
    in an earthly novel N miss the Rapture?
    Follow me just as I follow Jesus:
    ♡ en.gravatar.com/MatteBlk ♡
    Love you.
    Cya soon.
    -GBY x-tra
