I am excited to be part of this blog tour for a new Christian Western! Faith Blum joins us today to talk about her new release, The Solid Rock. It is about a talented detective with a mission to find his kidnapped colleague who finds himself working undercover with a heinous outlaw who has more plans than first meet the eye.
About the Book
Joshua woke with a quiet groan. As his senses woke up one at a time, he cracked his eyelids open. Sure enough, there was a silhouetted form standing at the foot of the bed. From the smell, the person was either from the brothel down the street or had recently left one. He forced himself to breathe evenly and reached for the knife in his thigh holster. With as tough and evil a voice as he could imitate, he spoke, “State your intentions.” Pinkerton detective, Joshua Brookings, is sent on a job that seems simple on the surface. His fellow detective has been kidnapped and his boss, William Pinkerton senses foul play. Joshua is sent to investigate Edward's case in hopes of finding the kidnapped detective and helping solve the case that has taken over ten years to investigate. Arriving in Cheyenne, Joshua finds much more than a simple kidnapping. Yet again, he must go undercover, something he made his boss promise never to make him do again. The only Christian in the outlaw group, Joshua falters and almost loses faith in God’s providence. Will he stand on the solid Rock or drown in the sinking sand?
You can also preorder a paperback copy here for $14.00 plus shipping.
By seven o’clock, Joshua was back
in his hotel room. In the morning, he would finish reading the notes and have a
plan formulated.
He pulled a pencil and pad of
paper from his saddlebag and started a preliminary report on his hypotheses,
comparing and contrasting each. The outlaw one was more plausible and easier to
defend against. Plus statehood was still years in the future, so why the hurry?
A knock on his door interrupted
his musings. “Who is it?” he asked as he hid his saddlebags under the bed.
“Sheriff Granger.”
Joshua took out his pistol and
opened the door slowly. The sheriff stepped into the room and looked at the
“Usually it’s the outlaws who
greet me with a pistol.”
Joshua grinned, holstered his gun,
and held out his hand. “Joshua Brookings. Nice to meet you. Elizabeth’s told me
many good things about you. Sorry about the gun, but I’m too close to finding
answers to take any risks now.”
Leland shook Joshua’s hand. “I
understand. I’d probably do the same thing in your shoes. But how do you know
you can trust me?”
Joshua gestured toward the chair
under the window and the sheriff sat in it while Joshua sat on the bed. “Edward
Harris put you on his ‘people you can trust’ list.”
Sheriff Granger grunted. “So he
investigated me, did he? I suppose that’s a good thing. What d’you need from
“The names of two capable, single,
young men who might be interested in helping Elizabeth and me track down the
Faith is giving away a full set of paperback books! Fill out this form to earn entries to the giveaway. Each entry gives you one point, plus there are opportunities for bonus entries.
If you haven't read any of my books and would like to try one for free, I am working on getting A Mighty Fortress available for free on all formats. It is currently free on Barnes and Noble, iBooks, and Kobo. If you also wouldn't mind helping me get it free on Amazon, I would appreciate that. To help, all you have to do is grab 1, 2, or 3 of the links where it is free and go to AMF's Amazon page, click on "tell us about a lower price" and submit a link or three. Thank you!
Facebook Party
To celebrate her release, Faith is holding a Facebook party on March 31st from 2-4 Central time. You can join her and 3 other authors here. There will be fun, games, giveaways, excerpts, and more. Some of the giveaways will stay open through Friday evening, April 1st. Fun fact: the other three authors are all homeschool moms.
About the Author

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Faith-Blum/e/B00GSPBHW6
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HymnsoftheWest
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Faith_Blum
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/FaithBlumAuthor
Website: http://www.FaithBlum.com
Blog: http://www.FaithBlum.wordpress.com
Tour Schedule
March 26
Writings, Ramblings, and Reflections-Tour Introduction
Writing Dreams-Excerpt and Spotlight
God’s Peculiar Treasure Rae-Spotlight
Tee Garner-Excerpt, Spotlight, Interview
March 28
George's Shorts-Spotlight, Review
Karan Eleni-Excerpt, Spotlight, Review
Rebekah Lyn Books-Excerpt
Zerina Blossom's Books-Excerpt, Spotlight
Life is a Four-Letter Word-Spotlight
March 29
In the Bookcase-Excerpt, Review
Ruth's Real Life-Excerpt
Kelsey's Notebook-Review, Interview
Shire Reviews-Review
With a Joyful Noise-Excerpt, Spotlight
Melanie D. Snitker, Author-Excerpt, Spotlight
Wildflower Acres-Spotlight
March 30
Clean Indie Reads-Spotlight
Jaye L. Knight-Excerpt, Spotlight
Stories by Firefly-Excerpt, Spotlight, Interview
Chess Desalls-Excerpt
Kendra’s Thoughts-Excerpt, Interview
Frances Hoelsma-Excerpt, Spotlight
March 31
Prairie Dust Trail-Review
David Todd-Interview
The Overactive Imagination-Excerpt
Reading in June-Excerpt, Spotlight
Rachel Rossano’s Words-Excerpt, Spotlight
Trust and Obey-Guest Post, Spotlight
April 1
Writings, Ramblings, and Reflections-Tour Wrap-up, giveaway announcement
Thank you for being part of my tour!
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